I believe that true understanding of math concepts comes from having a number sense. Let’s talk about Guided Math Hands on lessons for grades 5 through 8. Here are some activities that can be used as part of a large group mini-lesson or guided math group lesson and then into a guided math station for spiral review.
Guided Math Hands On Lessons for Grades 5 through 8 activity 1
For instance, learning to understand multiplying fractions is a hard abstract concept to students. Teachers usually explain the steps to solve this, the algorithm. I love this anchor chart that also models the problem.
At this point students should practice more by showing the models. Here is Chris Broni, showing an example that she has students draw. This leads to math comprehension.
Students need to practice doing several of these before they move to just writing the equation and solving it. I have students write the equation, draw the model to visually see the problem, and then solve it. Together students and teacher should analyze the equation to see the pattern. If students complete a couple of these, then they will have the basic concrete understanding. Next they can complete the equations without drawing them.
Guided Math Hands On Lessons for Grades 5 through 8 activity 2
Here is a hands on activity for sixth grade. The link for this idea is http://creeksidelearning.com/math-activities-5th-grade-6th-grade/ It uses legos to have the students practice mean, median, mode, and range. Great idea to promote math comprehension.
Guided Math Hands On Lessons for Grades 5 through 8 activity 3
Here is a great activity to teach your middle school students in large group mini-lesson on an interactive whiteboard. Show them the cards and how they can be matched up. Then put it in a Engaged Math Activities station or just have available for students who finish early.
Here is the link for the activity.
Guided Math Hands On Lessons for Grades 5 through 8 activity 4
FREE 8th grade math Connect Four game to help students practice finding the area, volume, and surface area of various shapes! Students try to connect four spaces in a row on their game board, based on the answers of math problems. “My students love playing these games!” says Middle School Math Man. This is a great activity for student to practice with a partner.