** Online Guided Math PD **
NEW and available January 2020
We are offering different combinations of online Guided Math PD. Each option includes some online video training and some on-site PD training with one of our guided math experts.
The online video training includes an explanation of what Guided Math is, a connection between Guided Math and Guided Reading, the benefits for students and the data it provides for teachers.
Each online Guided Math PD option includes:
a specified amount of time for your staff to view the online videos and then an expert presenter will conclude the workshop with answers to your staff’s questions. Each staff member will receive a Guided Math implementation book called Guided Math: The First 25 Days.
- One 7 hour Zoom Guided Math training that includes a 1/2 hour lunch
- Two 3.5 hour Zoom Guided Math trainings on two different dates
- Hybrid choice 1: Part of the Guided Math prerecorded training videos viewed online by your staff for a three week period followed by a 1/2 day in-person presenter for the final part of the workshop
- Hybrid choice 2: Part of the Guided Math prerecorded training videos viewed online by your staff for a three week period followed by a 3.5-4 hour Zoom presentation for the final part of the workshop
- Full online workshop of prerecorded videos viewed by your staff for a month followed by a 1-1.5 hour Zoom Question/Answer Session at a later date
The benefits of online Guided Math PD is that your staff receives more training than our regular one day training, more staff can be trained during a school day with less monies going for substitute teachers, and/or online follow-up training can be available to limit your costs.
Email Angela@guidedmath.expert if you are eager for more information sooner rather than later.
Once your school pays for this online Guided Math PD, you will enter the code that Angela gives you to access the videos.
Enter code to access Online Guided Math PD for elementary staff for first half of workshop:
Enter code to access Online Guided Math PD for elementary staff for second half of workshop:
Enter code to access Online Guided Math PD for middle school staff:
I am excited to create the video footage so more staff can be trained. That means more students will be taught math at their level and grow.
[videopress im3kGs26]