Category Archives: Grade 2-3 Problem Solving

Real life math problems in Guided math groups

How can teachers use real life math problems in Guided math groups?  Let the students help you?.  Real life has math in every aspect. For instance, Mrs. Bauer went snowmobiling in Yellowstone National Park. The…

Guided Math and Guided Reading

Guided Math and Guided Reading…many teachers ask me how these two are alike.  They both lead to comprehension! Guided Math and Guided Reading are similar since they both improve comprehension.  I have used Daily 5…

Guided Math and the BIG test

Guided Math and the BIG test Yes, standardized testing is soon.  How can we get the students ready?  By teaching to the Test?  Ahh, this phrase will spark debates among many people. Today I want…

Test Taking Tips

Every classroom needs to practice test taking tips.  This time of year as teachers are preparing their students for complex math test questions, let’s prepare our students’ perseverance and problem solving skills! Test Taking Tips # 1:…