Often I am asked if I include math fact fluency with Guided Math, and my answer is yes. The reason these superintendents, assistant superintendents, curriculum directors, and principals ask is simple. The data of their students show that there is a need for fact fluency.
There are several resources that practice math fact fluency with Guided Math structure.
“Mastering Math Facts” by Don Crawford is a well designed resource. The teacher receives all four operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. (They won’t need to use all four at one grade level, but what a great advantage to have all four.) This program includes two pretests to assess where each student should begin. It also breaks each operation into sets, with each set focusing on two new facts while reviewing the other facts. This allows the student to practice the new facts. This resource is all inclusive and really is set up to be a learning program for students and includes the tests to show growth. My students do really master their facts when using this program.
And better yet, Dr. Crawford has taken this one step further and has created an iPad ap called Rocket Math. Now students can learn their math facts through technology. Check out this link to his website. https://rocketmath.com/
Mobymax is also a good technology math fact program to use on laptops. This online resource motivates the students to practice their facts. It even has a math section for them to practice math problems along with a language arts section, which my students use to practice parts of speech. I use the free version. Here is a link to their site. http://mobymax.com
Dice Activities by Didax is a great resource series to use to promote fact fluency. Students can play some of these activities by themselves or with a partner. This series includes book for learning subtraction, money, algebra, mathematical thinking, multiplication, and general math. The different books are for various grades, but there are books for K-3, 2-3, 3-5, or 5-8th grades. I use the books that include the CD so I can show the students the directions on an interactive whiteboard. http://www.didax.com
As you have your students work on math fact fluency, think about using one of these two resources in your math stations. Your students will show math fact growth.