Guided Math Small Group Lesson
Let’s create a guided math small group lesson based on state standards. I am going to specifically discuss creating a hands-on activity for small group lessons. When each group comes back to my table, I…
Let’s create a guided math small group lesson based on state standards. I am going to specifically discuss creating a hands-on activity for small group lessons. When each group comes back to my table, I…
Many teachers ask me about differentiated guided math lessons to meet the needs of individual students. This discussion is an integral part of my teacher professional development workshop because this is one of the biggest…
How can teachers use real life math problems in Guided math groups? Let the students help you?. Real life has math in every aspect. For instance, Mrs. Bauer went snowmobiling in Yellowstone National Park. The…
Kindergarten guided math centers! Visit a website that is an incredible resource for Kindergarten teachers. This site has Math Center ideas based on Kindergarten Common Core State Math Standards, seasonal themes, and much more. Once on the site,… This website has great tools for teaching Number Sense and Computation. In fact, many Common Core State Standards like number sense, counting skills, computation skills, money standards, or time concepts can be mastered by using Math…
Can Guided Math work in Middle Schools? My answer is why wouldn’t it? Students of all ages have individual needs. These needs can be met in small math groups. I trained the sixth and seventh…
Guided Math Research Eric Jensen and Brain Based Learning He details some of strategies that put learners into the optimal learning states. Balanced Guided Math Groups incorporate activities that utilize these strategies. During guided…
Bingo Addition and Subtraction is a hands-on activity for math stations that provides a concrete visualization for students in the area of number sense, computation, and algebraic thinking. All you need is graph paper with one inch squares,…
Guided Math is similar to Guided Reading! Guided Math groups are like Guided Reading in many ways! In Guided Math, you meet with groups. Students are placed into groups based on data from different sources. The lessons taught within the…