Can Guided Math work in Middle Schools? My answer is why wouldn’t it? Students of all ages have individual needs. These needs can be met in small math groups. I trained the sixth and seventh grade teachers in North Shore School District 112 in Highland Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago. Their schedule allows for guided group rotations during their block schedule day. One teacher from there was asked how the guided groups were doing in the classrooms. The response is mind boggling! “Well, no one wants to leave to go to the bathroom now!” After laughing about that, let’s really analyze that. Middle school students that want to stay in the classroom, a math classroom in fact. I would say that in itself is a great testimony to the power of active hands-on learning. Data shows that engaged students exhibit less behavior problems. Guided Math uses group rotations to meet the diverse needs in a classroom. The students meet with the teacher for one rotation. Another rotation is skills practice station, the third is an engaged math activity, and the fourth is math fact practice. These four rotations keep the students focused on math, learning new skills and solidifying mastered skills. No wonder the middle school students want to stay in class. In fact, I have the same response in the fourth grade class I teach. No one wants to miss the fun of learning math.