Bauer Educational Enterprises LLC is proud to unveil our newest workshop: Build Math Comprehension. This Professional Development Workshop is coming to Houston, TX on July 27, 2017. This workshop specializes in strategies for Kindergarten through 5th Grade teachers.
Angela Bauer will describe 4 methods to use to build math comprehension with your students, detail the comprehension strategies, discuss hands-on activities, and more.
This innovative approach to teaching math concepts is redefining how math is taught in schools. Building math comprehension in students is necessary for understanding and mastery. These skills lead to better mastery of math skills, increase standardized test scores, and result in students making adequate yearly progress.
This professional development workshop will show teachers the 4 methods of building math comprehension. Angela Bauer, creator, details the 10 comprehension strategies to teach students to use. A variety of questions are shown to help students understand the math they are doing. Angela shares how to develop or use the hands-on to representational to abstract teaching method. Teachers even receive free copies of Math Tools for students to use to organize their math thinking. Finally we discuss how to add technology. This workshop is designed for teachers in Kindergarten to 5th grade.
Angela will help teachers transition to this format. Her students use Daily 5 and CAFE strategies along with Fountas and Pinnell ideas in reading. Teachers will learn how to use guided reading strategies in math.
Most teachers really appreciate the fact that Angela still teaches because she shares her tips on planning lessons, on incorporating questioning techniques, on real classroom life , and using intentional teaching to meet differentiated student needs. Teachers receive a lesson planning page that contains components of today’s strategies along with some hands-on math tools. Bring your first nine weeks curriculum and standards because we will have time to begin creating lesson plans with guidance.
I am so excited to have this new workshop available for the 2017 school year. I love helping students learn to not hate math.